My LeetCode practice notes
# | Problem | Difficulty | Tags | Notes |
1 | TwoSum | Easy | Array Hash Table Two Pointers | Brute Force $\mathcal O(n^2)$ Two Pointers $\mathcal O(n\log n)$: Sort and set two pointer at left and right of the list, increase left if sum < target and decrease right if sum > target . Two-pass Hash Table $\mathcal O(n)$: Build a {number: index} table, for each element look for target - element in the table. One-pass Hash Table $\mathcal O(n)$: Create the table on the fly. |
2 | ThreeSum | Medium | Array Hash Table Two Pointers | Two Pointers $\mathcal O (n^2)$: Sort and iterate the list for target, use two poiters approach to search in the rest of the list. Hash Table $\mathcal O (n^2)$: Sort and build a {number: index} table, iterate the list for two numbers and search the third number in the table. |
3 | ThreeSum Closest | Medium | Array Two Pointers | Two Pointers $\mathcal O (n^2)$: Same as Two Pointers solution for ThreeSum problem but keep track of best distance and best sum. |
4 | Longest Common Prefix | Easy | String | Horizontal $\mathcal O (c)$: $lcp(s_1, s_2, s_3) = lcp(lcp(s_1, s_2), s_3)$ Vertical $\mathcal O (c)$: Find the shortest string and match its characters, one by one, with the rest of the strings. |
5 | Longest Substring without Repeating Characters | Medium | String Window Hash Table | Window $\mathcal O (n)$: Add unseen characters to a {char: index} table until you find a character that you have seen. If the seen character is outside of current window keep going else move the left pointer to the right of the previously seen character. |
6 | Longest Palindromic Substring | Medium | String DP | DP $\mathcal O (n^2)$: Substring s[i:j+1] is palindrome if s[i]==s[j] and s[i+1:j] is palindrome. |
7 | Valid Parentheses | Easy | Stack | Stack $\mathcal O (n)$ |
8 | Generate Parentheses | Medium | Backtracking DP | Backtracking: Assume a binary tree where edges are ( and ) and nodes are sequence of parentheses from root to that node (root is empty). Traverse the tree (depth first) to depth of n and check the validity of the parentheses. If not valid backtrack else if you have n pairs of parentheses add the result and backtrack else continue traversing. Dynamic Programming: Each element in the set of n-pair valid parentheses, dp[n] (n > 1), can be broken into ( + *dp[i] + ) + *dp[n-i-1] for i=0,...,n-1 where *dp[i] is all the emelents of dp[i] . |
9 | Container with Most Water | Medium | Array Two Pointers Greedy | Two Pointers $\mathcal O (n)$: |
10 | Reverse Integer | Medium | Math | $\mathcal O(\log_{10} n)$ |
<!– 11 | Jump Game –> |